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Introducing Work from Ela Ecoland Packages

Frankly speaking this is not an innovation that was put forward by us. But is was a request from one of our guest, who eventually shifted his work station to Ela Ecoland for a week. The change he underwent was amazing and he really did not want to leave our place.

Essentially Ela Ecoland is a place ideal for youngsters and that is how the work from Ela Ecoland package get its prominence for youngsters who can work from anywhere you have internet. So we explored the options and fixed good internet connection [which mostly is uninterrupted]. Great food from our kitchen, badminton matches at the backyard, learn about spices and cardamom in specific, wake up to the morning raaga of the birds, waterfall trek and the bath at the rock cut pool [water is chilling], treks, hikes and the list continues. We are a family and for us are guests are literally guests who come to our home.

We ensured this concept works well when a whole team from a startup in Bangalore, came to our place and stayed for 4 days and Ela became their temporary work station. The feedback was amazing, the change brought them great productivity, ease of mind, and fresh new perspective to work.

This is the crux of the program and you could imagine who interesting it is going to be, all you need to do is to get in touch with us to discuss it further. Send us a whatsapp message [] and we will take it forward from there. Cheers!



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